Meditation is a way to train your mind and keep it fit. This beginner’s guide to meditation will teach you techniques that can help you train your mind to form habits that will keep stress away. Buddhist tradition considers meditation as a form of sports. It is a group of activities. Did you know that different mental skills are required for different types of meditation? If not, read on to find a lot more in this beginner’s guide to meditation.

What are the benefits of a beginner’s guide to mediation?

If you are an expert, then you will know how to use it for your benefit. But for a novice there are a lot of approaches and research required. If you do not want to sit with an empty head and want to get started with meditation quickly, then our beginner’s guide to meditation will surely help. You can try out a brain-sensing headband or a beginner’s meditation DVD as well. The basic approach to meditation is to concentrate i.e. focus on your breath. 

Basic meditation techniques for beginners 

Benefits of meditation

Relaxation of the mindLower blood pressureLess perspirationEases feelings of anxietyLessens stressGenerates feeling of well-being

Relaxation of the mind is a primary benefit of meditation. Meditation also leads to lower blood pressure, less perspiration and anxiety, less stress, feeling of well being, lower heart and respiratory rate, improved blood circulation, low levels of blood cortisol, and a lot more. It has an overall positive effect on the nervous system and immunity. It leads to the liberation of your mind from negative emotions and circumstances that it cannot control. This leads to a positive and calm mind with inner harmony.

How to meditate before bed?

Meditation before bed can help you get better sleep by calming your mind. It can help remove the stress of your day and fights insomnia. Let us find out how to meditate in bed: Start with a few minutes and increase the time as your progress until around 15-20 minutes daily. What meditation techniques do you follow? Share your thoughts on this beginner’s guide to meditation in the comments section. 

The Beginners Guide to Meditation makes your life tension free - 45The Beginners Guide to Meditation makes your life tension free - 80The Beginners Guide to Meditation makes your life tension free - 21The Beginners Guide to Meditation makes your life tension free - 65