There is no doubt Telegram’s numbers is swelling app. The popularity of Telegram has reached sky high especially after WhatsApp fiasco. WhatsApp in January started sending notifications to over 400 million users in India in asking them to either accept its new policy or see their accounts removed. Owing to this, the messaging app has faced huge backlash in the country, and while the Facebook owned messaging app deferred its new data privacy policy by three months and said that no one will lose his or her account for not accepting the updated terms of service, many have decided to move on. It was contents of the privacy policy that made users uncomfortable as the new Policy allows WhatsApp to share a lot of data with Facebook and other third-party developers. According to the recently released data from Sensor Tower, Telegram has become the most downloaded non-gaming app worldwide in January 2021. A total of 24 percent downloads hascome from India. The Sensor Tower report said: “Telegram has attained the top position in the overall downloads (non-game) on Google Play Store moving from ninth position in the previous month, December 2020. The social messenger has also entered the list of top 10 most downloaded (non-game) apps on App Store, directly gaining the fourth position. TikTok came in a close second followed by Signal and Facebook, WhatsApp has seen its position slipping to fifth position from its earlier third place. The Telegram was ranked at ninth position in terms of downloads on Google Play in the month of December. The app has also managed to enter the top-five downloads on the Apple App Store. You Might Also Like: The Recent Debate: WhatsApp Vs. Telegram Vs. Signal Stay tuned for latest technology news. Sign in for our newsletter to get daily updates delivered to your mailbox.

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