Russia Covid 19 vaccine trial results from early-phase non-randomised vaccine trials in a total of 76 volunteers. The result showed that two formulations of the Russia corona vaccine have a good safety profile detected over 42 days, and induced antibody response in all participants of Covidvaccine clinical trials within 21 days. The secondary outcome also suggests that the Covid vaccine is able to trigger T-Cell response, which can help in providing long-term protection against the virus. The researchers mentioned that the findings are based on two small phase trials that lasted for 42 days – one studying a frozen formulation of the vaccine, while the other phase involved a lyophilised (freeze-dried). A total of 76 volunteers took part in the clinical trial held at two hospitals in Russia, and were well informed that they were receiving the vaccine. Sputnik V has space connection.  Find out: Sputnik V: World’s First COVID 19 Vaccine And Its Space Connection

Russia Covid-19 Vaccine

Professor Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Research Institute, claimed “unprecedented measures have been taken to develop a Covid-19 vaccine in Russia” and preliminary clinical studies had “made it possible to provisionally approve the vaccine.” However,the Russian researchers have acknowledged that more tests and Covid vaccine clinical trials are needed to evaluate the Corona vaccine in different populations, including older age groups and patients with underlying medical conditions. Is There a Treatment for COVID patients? Read: COVID Steroids Found Helpful in Treating COVID – 19 Patients Admitted in ICUs, Proved Beneficial  Russia’s health minister last week said that “first large batches” of the vaccine will be supplied this month, with healthcare workers and teachers invited to be first injected on an “absolutely voluntary” basis. However, international scientists warned the latest trial results did nothing to dispel concerns about fast-tracked roll-out of the jabs.

Efficacy of Russia Corona Vaccine

As per Doctor RandeepGuleria, Director AIIMS, one of the top pulmonologists in the country, “The biggest question mark about fast track vaccines is their ability to give the same response in all kind of patients. In past, there have been instances when the vaccine was found to aggravate the sickness in patients having certain comorbidities. As a result, those Corona vaccines had to be withdrawn from the market.” In case of Covid 19 virus, the vaccine must be tried on sufficiently large number of subjects before being declared as “absolutely safe.” Keep yourself protected. Read: 5 Must Haves if You Want to Feel Equipped to Fight COVID-19 Do write to us and share your thoughts and tips to fight the global pandemic. Be well informed and step out only when required.

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