View Instagram Stories

It is surely fun watching our most creative friends, influencers, and brands update their stories to give us a sneak peek. If you want to know how to view Instagram Stories without others knowing, then these Instagram tips and tricks will prove pretty handy. Here’s how you can view Instagram Stories without others knowing Here are some Instagram tips and tricks on how to view Instagram Stories without others knowing

Switch to Airplane Mode

Saviour for many, Airplane Mode in iOS and Android is actually pretty helpful. If you want to view Instagram Stories without others knowing, then follow these simple steps:

Open Instagram and login to your account.Allow for the stories to upload on your phone.Now switch the Airplane Mode OnSince, the stories are pre-loaded, you can watch the stories without internet. Know that since Airplane mode is on, your view will not be shown.  count. 

Tip: Do close the app once you are done viewing Instagram Stories. Do not let the app run in the background. This will ensure your view does not count.

View Instagram Stories without Account 

Since IG stories for Instagram is an extension for Google Chrome browser, you can actually view Instagram stories without having an account. All you have to do is install it in your browser and you will be able to access After installing it in your browser, you can access Instagram stories on your desktop easily and enjoy then without others knowing that you have watched them. FireFox users can use Stories Watcher. This extension will allow you to view Instagram stories without having to log in to the account. This automatically means that others won’t get to know that you have seen their Instagram story.

Use a third-party app or website

If you love viewing multiple Instagram stories anonymously, it is best to download a dedicated app and Story Saver application is a great option. Available for both Android as well as Ios users, follow these steps to view Instagram Stories without others knowing.

The first step is to download the app.Now, enter your Instagram account to log inOnce you have successfully logged in, you can see all active stories of everyone.Click on the story you’d like to view. You can also search for the user’s name to find a specific user quickly and you will see its history. Once you are done viewing the stories, you can either repost them, save them or even share it with your followers.

Tip: Do not tap on the o Eye-shape icon if you want your view to remain anonymous.

Click the next Instagram Story and swipe back

This one is another popular method to view Instagram stories without others knowing. This method makes good use of the interface that enables users to swipe between different users’ Stories. Here’s what you need to do if you want to know how to view Instagram Stories without others knowing.

Select the profile whose Story you’s like to view anonymously, and click on the profile right next to it.Now you have to tap on the Story to pause it, and then slowly and carefully swipe in the direction of the Story you want to view. It will appear as though on the adjacent side of a 3D box.Be careful not to swipe all the way or else the chosen person would know that you have seen their story. How to View Instagram Stories Without Others Knowing - 82How to View Instagram Stories Without Others Knowing - 78How to View Instagram Stories Without Others Knowing - 49How to View Instagram Stories Without Others Knowing - 8How to View Instagram Stories Without Others Knowing - 4How to View Instagram Stories Without Others Knowing - 55